Cali Girl PMU Vegan Aftercare Balm - 2 oz jar | Cali Girl PMU
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Cali Girl PMU Vegan Aftercare Balm - 2 oz jar

Cali Girl PMU Vegan Aftercare Balm - 2 oz jar

$27.00 Regular Price
$22.95Sale Price

Cali Girl PMU Vegan Aftercare Balm, the ultimate vegan PMU and tattoo aftercare solution. With our advanced formula, your skin will be nourished and hydrated. Cali Girl PMU contains a unique combination of ingredients that will leave your skin feeling soft, smooth, and rejuvenated. 


Our formula comes in a 2 oz glass jar, and contains calendula, arnica, and vitamin E, just to name a few – all highly nourishing ingredients that work together to nourish and hydrate your skin. These ingredients are proven to help reduce inflammation, promote healing, and protect your skin from damage.


Our Vegan Aftercare Balm isn't just for use on PMU and tattoos - it can also be used anywhere on your body where there is dry, chapped, or flaking skin, including the lips. The vegan formula is gentle yet effective, so you can use it with confidence. 


So whether you need to nourish and hydrate your skin after a PMU or tattoo session, or you're looking for an all-in-one solution for dry, chapped skin, Cali Girl PMU is the answer. Try it today and experience the power of our nourishing formula for yourself! 

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